Friday, February 15, 2008

Wanna boycott Kohl's with me?

It's never been my favorite store. It seems suspicious that there is always a sale going on. The layout is not well thought out. Their products aren't always the greatest.

However, I had gotten a pair of slippers for Christmas that I needed to exchange. Two pairs actually. Cause she knows me well, Mom wrapped up both pairs, figuring I would like one better than the other. It turns out that neither pair fit. The slippers still had the price tags on them, but the receipt was lost. I took them back right after Christmas knowing that I would have to get store credit. There was a sales clerk inside the door who told me I could make the exchange at the check-out stand. I took my lunch hour, found a pair of sneakers that I could use, and stood in line. When I reached the cashier I found out that no, you can't do exchanges at the check-out stand, you have to go to the service department. The line was long and my lunch hour was almost over so I gave up and left the store.

I finally went back this week to exchange the slippers. I understand that without the receipt, they cannot honor the price on the pricetag. That's fine. With all of their sales, I didn't expect the full price to be refunded. I was, however, shocked when the service clerk said that she could only refund $2.00 of the purchase price. Hmmm.......

I told her no thank you and was going to leave the store. Want to know what I found on my way out? Yep. Kohl's is selling the same exact slippers (model, size, and color) for MORE than what was on the price of my Christmas slippers -- the ones that are only worth a $2.00 refund. And guess what? They were on "sale."

As my friends in England would say, they're a bunch of wankers.

So...anyone want a pair of size 8/9 slippers? I've got two pairs to choose from!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hon, kohls is gross. They treat their employees terrible, nd all their stuff is from sweat shops I actually used to like kohls until I worked there. I will actively boycott them just as soon as I find another job!