Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What I'm Reading now...

So, while I was on my cruise, I read a book by Erwin McManus titled, "The Barbarian Way." Now, I am re-reading it because there was so much to absorb. Here's a sample:

There is a barbarian revolt taking place, and its command center is the kingdom of God. Everywhere the kingdom of God advances, there is a violent engagement against a dark kingdom. To be born of God is to be made a citizen in the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God is at war. Do not confuse this kingdom with Paradise. Salvation is not reentry into a Paradise Lost it is enlistment in the mission of God.
Jesus is telling us in no uncertain terms that there is a battle raging. This is perhaps the most important reason why we must choose the barbarian way and resist any temptation to become civilized. Domesticated Christians are far too willing to abdicate the battle for the soul of the world. Civility focuses our energy on all the wrong places. We spend our lives emphasizing our personal development and spiritual well-being. We build churches that become nothing more than hiding places for the faithful while pretending that our actions are for the good of the world. Or we choose political and secular vehicles to try to advance our cultural values, strangely attempting to make unbelieving people act like civilized believers.
In contrast Jesus calls us to a different way. He tells us this is a battle of kingdoms. He insists that if we are His followers, we must not live in a world defined only by the material. We cannot limit our sights to what is flesh and blood. We should know better than that. To see from a kingdom perspective is to know that there is a conflict of invisible kingdoms and that people's lives are forever changed by what happens in the unseen. We are called to be warriors of light in dark places.

Are you a barbarian?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I can't believe I came back for this.

Sunday night I came home from a week in the Caribbean. It was warm. I slept in, read by the pool, had great food, napped and spent my evenings in the piano bar. Fantastic. Coming home was like being thrust into a snow globe. It's cold, the snow is swirling everywhere, and I'm dizzy. So until the time comes when I can be myself again, I will have to console myself with the few pictures that I took:

My view of Magens Bay while drinking a Bushwacker.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm making my list...

I am a list maker at heart. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than crossing something off my to do list, project list, grocery list, packing list...I love'em all. I've even made lists about things I want to make lists about. So today, here is a small list of pet peeves (brought about today by the lady who cut me off because the back ledge of her car was full of stuffed animals and she couldn't see out of it):
1) People who put excessive crap on the back ledge of their cars (obviously).
2) Call waiting. If it's more important to you to put me on hold while you check to see if someone you like better is calling, than I don't really want to talk to you.
3) An extension of call waiting...bad cell phone manners. If I am talking to you face to face, no matter where we are -- waiting at a table, riding in a car, or just walking along, and you choose to talk to the phone instead of me, chances are you've ticked me off.
4) Stupid questions and the time wasted in answering them.
5) Harrison Ford's loud nasal breathing.
6) Those who complain and refuse to be part of the solution. (I include people who don't vote in this category...cause they all complain about government in some way)
7) Clutter
8) Anyone who refuses to look at both sides of a situation.
9) Maitenance. If I've done it once, why do I have to keep doing it without a change in the outcome?
10) Not ending my lists on an even number :)

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

So today...

Kinda bummed about the game last night. To cheer myself up, brought Linus into work -- he loves it here. He'll sit in the breakroom until one of the guys takes pity on him and feeds him. Wonderful. I saw leashes for sale the other day that different phrases on them, of which one of the choice phrases was, "One of us begs for it..." I'm sure Linus would get a few raised eyebrows if he went to daycare wearing that.