Tuesday, December 4, 2007

More Froggy Updates

So here are a few updates about the frogs...

This week-end worked out just fine. I stayed in Friday night, watched movies with Snake Charmer on Saturday and had dinner with Cartman on Sunday. The Original Frog ended up working all week-end.

So...updates on the latest newbies:

Frog #12 -- the Stand Up. He is exactly as his name implies. We arranged two separate dates and he stood me up both times. He didn't even call to give an excuse...just left me sitting...TWICE! So, after the second time, he wanted me to call him. I chose to send an e-mail instead. I was honest and said, look, I don't like my time wasted, so buh-bye. He responded with some VERY hostile remarks about the Steelers (because he knew I cheer for them), which just goes to show that he probably wasn't such a nice guy after all.

Frog #13 -- Mr. Garvey. Hand to God...this guy looks just like Merlin Olsen aka Mr. Garvey from Little House on the Praries aka Father Murphy from well, er...Father Murphy. Mr. Garvey repairs electronics and only works week-ends. He's also an outdoorsy kinda guy. Why he would be interested in a girl who considers no air or cable as "roughing" it, I don't know. He has two sons from a previous marriage and is a boy scout troop leader. He seems very much a boy scout himself. We will have to see...

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