Thursday, December 6, 2007


So last night, JJTMB was supposed to come over for pizza and movie night. I was STARVING, so I called him about half an hour before he was supposed to come over, so that I would know what he liked on his ' answer. Hmmm...10 minutes after, still no answer. Half hour later, still no answer. So, I go online to pass time and chat.

About 10 PM, Snake Charmer checks in and gives me the guy perspective. He was only interested in what he could get...he wasn't really interested in me...I shouldn't take it personally...and boy he wished he knew I was sitting home alone, cause he would have liked to have kept me company.

JJTMB calls back today. Apparently, he broke his ankle on the ice yesterday. He got home from the hospital around 7:30 and went to bed. He says they are going to cast it tomorrow when the swelling will be down. He was sorry he didn't call.

Which frog do you believe? Until I see crutches...I know which one I believe!

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