Monday, March 3, 2008

As Ohio goes, so goes the nation....

Usually there are a multitude of parties and get-togethers in the months of January and February to attend. This year has been different -- I'm not sure why. Anyways, it's left me with a need to talk all things political. And I can't help but wonder who ya'll are voting for tomorrow and why. Party line or sabotage vote...or maybe you honestly believe what these candidates are saying...what's your strategy going to be?
Yes. I did it. Can of worms. Opened.


Leigh Ann said...

Huckabee. He's not my first choice, and I know he's not going to win the primary, but I feel better with that than the other choices.

For the national election, I will definitely exercise my privilege to vote. And I know I won't be able to bring myself to vote D, so you figure it out. With two sides to the argument here, I am torn, but that's most likely where I'll go.

Man, those worms are really spilling out! Where's that lid anyway?

Sara T. said...

Thanks Leigh Annsy. I can always count on your view!
I've already voted this morning, and I have to admit, I took one for the team and voted for Hillary. It's a strategic move, yes...and if there were more pressing issues on the ballot on the republican side, I might have chosen differently. However, I think it was the best choice in my district. Hopefully, she can remain in the race a while longer and take more pot shots at Obama. They do make for great SNL sketches :)
When it comes to the general election in November though, I have no idea.

Leigh Ann said...

I have heard she'll be easier to beat than Obama in the general.

I really don't like the thought of one of the gang of fourteen out there representing my side of the aisle for the next four years!! Just can't stand the choices this time around.