Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Some updates because I'm not so consistant at this blogging thing...

Well, it seems like I have good intentions about blogging, but never follow through. Ugh. So here are some updates about things in Dozer-world:

1) My free-gan Lenten experience was completely successful. In fact, it is still carrying over today. Yeah!

2) The church Jubilee was this week. Gifts totaled 70% of our goal. Pretty amazing when you consider that the money being raised was to pay off old debt and there was no formal fund-raising organization involved.

3) I still have a room-mate. Sort of -- he's not spending everynight at my house. I'm hoping to rub off a little on him, but I don't know if I am or not. He's doing landscaping around the house though, so at this point, I wouldn't mind if he stayed all summer. I've always wanted a lawn boy.

4) hmmm...it seems like I'm missing something. I'll try to get back to it soon....

1 comment:

Luke and Valerie said...

You were going to comment on which two you thought might get booted from Idol, or your thoughts on global warming. Am I close?