Monday, March 5, 2007

All bow to me -- Queen of the Mooches

After much consideration, I decided I needed a week-end of fun and socialization. One can only communicate so much with a golden retreiver, and when they start to answer back, it's a clear sign that human contact is needed. So, I put the dogs in boarding for the week-end and set out for adventure.
Friday night I went to see an art exhibit with my friend R. at the Wexner Center. We started out at Hyde Park on the cap (because of the extremely reasonable happy hour martini's). Dinner consisted of appetizers only -- Mini Kobe Beef Burgers, Calamari, Wedge Salads and a variety of breads. Then we went to the Wexner Center where we did not enjoy the art, but did enjoy the open bar and reception catered by Cameron Mitchell afterwards. After the art, we were off to meet up with friends at Union Station, then we went to a club where we danced for what seemed like forever. At this point, I had not paid for anything and insisted on buying at least one round...which was reluctantly allowed by my friends. I crashed at his house at 4 AM. (I think it was around 4...)
Saturday night, I went to a benefit dinner for IFI. IFI is a Christian organization that fosters relationships between Christian Ohioans and international PhD and Masters students at Ohio State. They pick the internationals up at the airport, get them acclamated to the culture (like helping them figure out things like grocery stores and washing machines...), help them find furniture, host potlucks and outings, set up language partners and provide general support and prayer. It is a FANTASTIC organization. Being an international student myself, I totally can relate to what these students go through. It seems like yesterday when I was 20 and wandering the Rome airport, crying and looking for ANYONE to help me. I remember that I couldn't even use the phone, because I hadn't learned about their pre-paid phone cards yet. It was awful. This organization not only gives the support that would have made my situation much more bearable, but they are also leading people to Christ. Then these students go back to their home countries and spread God's word. The spirit of evangelism is contageous. (Oh, since I am explaining how I am Queen of the Mooches, I was invited to this fundraising event as a guest, so I didn't have to buy my Prime Rib dinner. I did make a small donation though and am considering becoming part of this organization. So, maybe I'm not a complete mooch)
Sunday evening I met up with a new friend. Her name is Linda and she is a part-time manicurist, part-time accountant. We went to an italian place called 'La Tavola.' We had great conversation and great food. Gnocci and mushrooms in cream sauce, hand tossed pizza with fresh basil and procuitto, and bacon wrapped, balsamic soaked asparagus that had been grilled. ohmigosh -- FANTASTIC! At the end of the meal, I asked for the bill to be split, and Linda said no, she invited me out so she insisted on paying. Well, I had a good track record started for mooching this week-end, so I couldn't say no, right? I had to let her go with the promise that I would buy next time.
Ahhhh....I wonder how long I could keep this going.......


Leigh Ann said...

I've never heard of IFI, but Keith & I have often thought we'd love to do that for Korean students or whoever. Once you've experienced the other end, you know what a bond-maker it is to have someone that can help you like that. it would be fun to be the help-er.:) We'll have to look into this organization... especially if they're giving out free rib dinners!!:)

Luke and Valerie said...

That is so neat you are hooked up with International Friendships! Do you know any of the Saksas? They have been with that ministry for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Wow - you girls read each other's blog fast!
I think the IFI sounds like something you would be good at!
It also sounds like your "Mooshie" weekend is continuing - I bought lunch!