Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How far off am I?

So, I know I've been hit and skip lately with the posts. There are a couple of reasons that I may tell you about later, maybe not. Mostly, the things that are coming to my mind are so complex, that I'm finding it hard to sort it all out and find a starting point to get it all down. I've come to the conclusion that I need a reference point...to gauge where I am against public opinion. So, public, I need your help.

Recently there was a court ruling in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. If you would like to read the article, you can go here. If you trust my summary, here goes:
A 13 year old girl was suspected of having prescription drugs on her person, against school policy. A fellow student tipped off the school nurse, who literally strip searched the 13 year old. All that was found was OTC strength ibuprofen. The parents sued claiming that the girl's fourth amendment rights (unreasonable search and seizures) were violated. The court sided with the girl and her family and claimed that the school had no right to search the girl.

Here's where you come in. Do you agree with this ruling? Why or why not? I'm anxious to know your opinions. I'll post mine shortly....

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