Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Can you believe I did this?

Yup. Took my very first belly dancing class last night. It was SO much fun. Of course, I looked more like Regis than the girls who dance at the beginning of the tape. I foresee a lot of practicing in my future. There are only three of us in the class. We had a blast getting to know each other...and laughing at our clumsy attempts. The instructor has been dancing for 30 years and does classes for women's church groups...isn't that a riot? Belly dancing is more than just fun and fellowship though. It's a great core workout and is supposed to be very beneficial to the digestive track. Today, my upper thighs are killing me...but it's all worth it. I can't wait to graduate to scarves, veils and finger cymbals

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

In answer to your question, yes! Are you going to give us a demo at the next ladies card party? I'll have to go dig up my castinets.