A: Hawaii
Don't feel bad though, they got to spend their Honeymoon there.
I can't believe they've been married 15 years. Here are a few things that I won't forget about their wedding:
1) How CUTE little Joshy Loyer was in his tux. (FYI -- he was the ring bearer)
2) Serena standing half-dressed in the nursery crying, "How am I supposed to look like a princess...ALL DAY?!"
3) Grandpa Royal didn't want to sit up front, but then didn't like being left in the back and ended up sitting somewhere in the middle of everyone.
4) Joe Daniels, the best man, bought me drinks all afternoon at the reception.
5) Ben and Serena smashed their wedding cake into the faces of their best man and maid of honor...instead of into each other.
6) Dad arriving late with the forgotten petticoats
7) Vacuuming the church once everything was over with.
8) Pulling double duty -- bridesmaid AND vocalist
9) Ben and Serena driving down to their apartment in Columbus, only to discover they had forgotten their keys and had to make a round trip back to Marion to get them.
10) Coming home and watching the Miss America pageant. Why? I have no idea.
Happy Anniversary Ben and Serena!
Hey - what about when Ben knelt down and the bottoms of his shoes said "why me?" That got a chuckle.
Happy Anniversary!
"Tale as old as time,
True as it can be..."
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