Yesterday was Garrett's 12th birthday. I was at home without my laptop, so I couldn't let you know about it until now. Anyways, I can't believe he is twelve. Here are some favorite Garrett memories:
1) How cold it was the day Garrett was born! Brrrr....
2) He had the curliest hair I'd ever seen on a little kid.
3) He used to get upset if his shoe-lace loops showed, or the seams on his socks
were crooked.
4) He played peek-a-boo longer than either of the other two.
5) Once, he called 911...on accident.
6) He stinkered on an airplane trip and told pe-paw it was 'airplane air.'
7) He used to always ask for his "balia fook" which meant bottle of chocolate milk.
8) The first time we got a root-beer float together, he told me that adding ice
cream was a perfectly good way to ruin root-beer.
9) On our way to see 'The Lion King' Garrett noticed a homeless man. He worried so much about that man all day. It was the first day we ever talked about "grown-up" issues...and the first day he learned that not every question has an answer. His compassion for others continues to be an inspiration to me.
10) He's 12...and he still gives me a hug and tells me he loves me.
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