Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
...From the Hummels...
Tense. It’s the only way to possibly describe the drive to Marion Friday night. The last time we made this drive was the last time Bryson had two legs as 15 minutes after our arrival, the incident occurred. I kept replaying the first time I saw Bryson on the ground over and over again. Nicole even mentioned that she felt herself getting a bit nauseated. But ultimately we both agreed that all we had to do was get there…just get that first trip over with and we’d feel a whole lot better.
What we received was better than expected.
It was heaven. Sheer heaven. If it weren’t for the feeding tube, wound-vac cords everywhere, and only one leg protruding from underneath Spider Man pjs, you wouldn’t have known anything was wrong as 6 young cousins played frantically around their patriarch. Bryson sat on the floor giggling as he played with matchbox cars on the floor with his cousins. He got the biggest kick out of trying to hit them with his stuffed lamb (the one he sleeps with every night affectionately known as “Lamby”). The laughter of children…THE LAUGHTER OF BRYSON…heaven for Bryson and heaven for his mom and dad.
The next morning at about 9:30am I loaded Bryson into the van to head of to church as Nicole was making final preparations inside. As I adjusted his wound-vac and began to buckle him in, Bryson initiated this conversation:
Bryson: Daddy, this is where I got hurt.
Me: Where did you get hurt?
B: In the yard.
M: Where in the yard?
B: Over there (pointing around the corner of the house where the accident occurred).
M: What happened?
B: The lawn mower got me.
M: Did it hurt?
B: Yeah.
M: Did you cry?
B: Yeah.
M: I cried, too. I cried when you got hurt Bryson.
B: No you didn’t…you ran away.
(My body froze in disbelief at his shocking statement.)
M: No I didn’t. I sat down with you. You had a big bleed didn’t you?
B: Yeah.
M: Well, I took off my shirt and wrapped it around your leg to stop the bleeding.
B: No, you can’t take your shirt off. You ran away.
He said is so matter-of-factly. It wasn’t an accusation, blame, just the truth to him. Baffled, I let the conversation end as Nicole came to the van. As we pulled out of the driveway, I told her about our conversation and how stunned I was that Bryson thought I ran away when it was me that provided the truncate for his leg. Nicole looked and me and said calmly, “He’s right, Beau. You did run away. When you first saw him you came back to get me.”
So it was true. There laying beside the lawn mower with skin and bone strewn around the ground, tears streaming down his face in pain and frustration as he tried to stand up, I left him. His eyes were screaming, “DADDY! HELP ME!” But I turned away. My body began to shake as I clenched the steering wheel even tighter…and then tears exploded from my eyes. I’m his best friend. I’m his protector. I’m his strength…and I ran away. I was trying to help him, but all he knows is that daddy left him. Things escalated during the worship service when this verse to the song He Knows My Name:
I have a FATHER
He calls me His own
No matter where I go
He knows my name
He knows my every thought
Again I began to cry. I did hear Bryson call! I did see him crying. I left him, yes, BUT to go get more help so I could do what was best for him! And it was. As I held his leg, mommy comforted him and he never lost consciousness. People told me he’ll understand someday. But I don’t want someday; I want him to know now how much I love him and how much I hurt for him that night. I didn’t hear the sermon that morning because God was giving me a personal one in the pew. When we’re in crisis, we, too, call out to God for immediate aid. Sometimes we perceive the immediate silence as God not caring. He left me. He doesn’t hear me. He doesn’t understand what I’m going through. If He really cared, He’d do something right NOW. But knowing our pain, hearing our cry, maybe God is just rounding the corner of the house to get someone to work for Him: a co-worker to encourage us, a friend to unexpectedly take us out for a meal, a pay raise out of nowhere, a spouse or parent to get home to listen to us and cry with us. I was giving Bryson what was best and I can’t begin to love him as much as God does. If I want to do what’s best, why wouldn’t, why doesn’t God want it too? He may not look like He’s acting right away, but He is acting in the right way.
Winning people over, Sara style...
Him: "You're pretty smart, aren't ya?"
Me: "Yes. I am. You aren't so bad yourself."
Him: "It's like I always say, I'm so bright my mom has to call me Son."
Me: "Hmmmm.... Too bad she can't call you funny."
Friday, September 21, 2007
I didn't forget!

Yesterday was Garrett's 12th birthday. I was at home without my laptop, so I couldn't let you know about it until now. Anyways, I can't believe he is twelve. Here are some favorite Garrett memories:
1) How cold it was the day Garrett was born! Brrrr....
2) He had the curliest hair I'd ever seen on a little kid.
3) He used to get upset if his shoe-lace loops showed, or the seams on his socks
were crooked.
4) He played peek-a-boo longer than either of the other two.
5) Once, he called 911...on accident.
6) He stinkered on an airplane trip and told pe-paw it was 'airplane air.'
7) He used to always ask for his "balia fook" which meant bottle of chocolate milk.
8) The first time we got a root-beer float together, he told me that adding ice
cream was a perfectly good way to ruin root-beer.
9) On our way to see 'The Lion King' Garrett noticed a homeless man. He worried so much about that man all day. It was the first day we ever talked about "grown-up" issues...and the first day he learned that not every question has an answer. His compassion for others continues to be an inspiration to me.
10) He's 12...and he still gives me a hug and tells me he loves me.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Q: Where are Ben and Serena not going to celebrate their anniversary?

A: Hawaii
Don't feel bad though, they got to spend their Honeymoon there.
I can't believe they've been married 15 years. Here are a few things that I won't forget about their wedding:
1) How CUTE little Joshy Loyer was in his tux. (FYI -- he was the ring bearer)
2) Serena standing half-dressed in the nursery crying, "How am I supposed to look like a princess...ALL DAY?!"
3) Grandpa Royal didn't want to sit up front, but then didn't like being left in the back and ended up sitting somewhere in the middle of everyone.
4) Joe Daniels, the best man, bought me drinks all afternoon at the reception.
5) Ben and Serena smashed their wedding cake into the faces of their best man and maid of honor...instead of into each other.
6) Dad arriving late with the forgotten petticoats
7) Vacuuming the church once everything was over with.
8) Pulling double duty -- bridesmaid AND vocalist
9) Ben and Serena driving down to their apartment in Columbus, only to discover they had forgotten their keys and had to make a round trip back to Marion to get them.
10) Coming home and watching the Miss America pageant. Why? I have no idea.
Happy Anniversary Ben and Serena!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Another reason why it's the most wonderful time of the year...

With increased TV time, comes increased knitting time. YEAH! I am at the same time mourning that my favorite knitting ship appears to be closed. If they moved, I haven't found them yet. If you know anything about "The Stitch Stops Here" in Delaware, please let me know!
Anyway, I did start one of my favorite scarf patterns. It goes something like this:
Any kind of ribbon type yarn and size 10 needles.
Cast on 10 stiches in your preferred method.
Pattern: Knit 8 rows
on the 9th row, *Knit one, make two by wrapping the yarn around the right needle. Repeat from *until you reach the end of the row, ending with Knit1.
On the way back, drop all of those stiches you added.
Start all over by knitting 8 rows. Repeat pattern until you have the desired length.
Adorn with fringe if you like.
It's super quick, super cute and very versatile. I use them as belts, scarves, and in one very desparate moment, a purse strap.
Monday, September 17, 2007
It's the most wonderful time of the year...
Yes, fall premier season is right around the corner. After stale re-runs all summer (except for the wonderful folks over at TBS and TNT who provide us with a great summer line-up), I am ready for fall programming.
Although we are going to have to wait until January to see what's up with CTU and those who are LOST, we'll have plenty of things to entertain us until then.
Wanna know when your favorite show is starting? Find out here.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Can you believe I did this?
Yup. Took my very first belly dancing class last night. It was SO much fun. Of course, I looked more like Regis than the girls who dance at the beginning of the tape. I foresee a lot of practicing in my future. There are only three of us in the class. We had a blast getting to know each other...and laughing at our clumsy attempts. The instructor has been dancing for 30 years and does classes for women's church groups...isn't that a riot? Belly dancing is more than just fun and fellowship though. It's a great core workout and is supposed to be very beneficial to the digestive track. Today, my upper thighs are killing me...but it's all worth it. I can't wait to graduate to scarves, veils and finger cymbals
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
9/11 Remembered

When Father Mychal heard that the World Trade Center was hit by terrorists, he immediately went to the scene to administer last rites and to pray for the city. He was in the North Tower lobby doing this very task when falling debris killed him. Father Mychal is often called the first victim of 9/11. The image of his body being carried out of the rubble by first responders has been heralded as an American Pieta.
Jesus came and told his disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord. We pray that all unity may one day be restored. They'll know we are Christians by our love.
Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.
We will work with each other, we will work side by side. We'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride. They'll know we are Christians by our love.
Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand. Together we'll spread the news that God is in our land. They'll know we are Christians by our love.
Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.
Adaptation of "They'll Know We are Christians By Our Love" written by Peter Scholtes
Monday, September 10, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Wanna lose 3 pounds in half an hour?
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Bravo Maestro
So Pavarotti has passed on, and with him one of the greatest voices of the opera world. If you have a few minutes, take a listen to 'Nessun Dorma' from Turandot. It's my opinion that the last minute of this aria might be the greatest music ever written. Phew.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Trafzer Funnies
I do have a funny story about Linus. Often when we are in the backyard, he is distracted by squirrels, twigs, leaves, rabbits...the list goes on and on. Usually though, if he doesn't come when he is called, he can be lured in with the promise of food. Linus knows that "breakfast" means there will be a bunch of food put into his bowl, while "snack" means just a little food, or a doggie treat. The other day it was beautiful out and Linus was flopping about with all of his legs in the air. I asked if he wanted a snack and he immediately righted himself and bounded for the door -- ears and slobber flying. We stepped inside and much to our surprise, Mary, the kitten was curled up, sound asleep in his food bowl. Linus looked up at me and his eyes glowed like a kids on Christmas morning. He ran over and nosed and licked around her. She rolled out of the food bowl and onto the floor where she proceeded to waddle over to the desk and squeeze herself underneath it (she's a very "fluffy" kitty!) Linus was sad to see his "treat" disappear, but cheered up when he received TWO of his normal doggie treats.