Again, I feel like I've been whirling so much, I haven't noticed whats going on around me. There are legitimate reasons for my whirliness (some valid, some not so much!) Here's some random bullets to catch you up with what's been going on in my world....
**Had a crafting party which was WAY fun. Good food and lots of laughs. It was also the celebration of my long awaited room unveiling. I'm glad the re-do is done and there are no more big projects -- well until it's time to plant the garden....
**Went to a Chocolate Fantasy Fair in Cleveland to support the Red Cross. Just an excuse to drink a lot of wine and eat a ton of chocolate. H. and I had a fantastic time, despite an extraordinarily scary run-in with the maintenance man. That might deserve it's own post in the near future.
**Because Grandma J. always insisted on something "nice" and that bed is the closest thing to heaven, I figured a good way to spend some of my inheritance was on a new TV for the bedroom. 37 inch, flat screen, LCD/HD TV. Grandma would be so proud!
**Having lots of lap top troubles. First it was crashing and had to be de-bugged. Now it's currently in the shop getting soldered. Nice. I'm currently on the oldest office computer. I do believe I'm running Windows 95.
**Currently have a canker sore AND a cold sore. I guess I'm Queen of the Herpes. Couple that with a sore throat and sinus pain, and I pretty much want to throw my whole head away.
**Went to see the movie "Penelope" about a girl who is cursed with the face of a pig. The curse is only broken when one of her own kind loves her for who she is. Anyone who doesn't want spoilage, close your eyes NOW. Obviously, we're supposed to think that "true-love" makes her beautiful. In a different twist, Penelope learns that she has to love and accept herself to be beautiful. While this may be a step closer to a positive message, I can't help but hope for a movie that correctly suggests....You are already beautiful and loved, because you were created by God.
**Was almost taken out on Riverside Drive the other day when an oncoming driver made a wide turn onto the street. Why didn't he know where he was going? Is a cell phone to blame? No, my friends...the man was CLIPPING HIS NOSE HAIRS. And they make fun of women for putting on make-up in the car.
**My mother called me a jig-saw puzzle Nazi. Everyone knows my way is the only correct way to do them. Border first, big color groupings, then fill it in. Geez. Is it that so hard?
**Frogs suck. Period. OK, Cartman doesn't, but if slow were people, he'd be China. Step up my dear. Any time.
**Finally got to talk to my long lost friend Doc Loveshack. It's been a while. Why do I miss talking to Doc Loveshack? Because the man is genuinely grateful for all he has and knows he is very blessed. It's so refreshing to talk to someone who isn't complaining, who endeavors to do better and knows how to have a laugh to boot. He's an inspiration. **sigh**
**Tonight, Linus and I are going over to his breeders house to see a new litter of puppies. Who thinks that Linus needs a sister?
That catches us up a bit, doesn't it?
What other way could there possibly be when putting a puzzle together??
Linus DOES NOT need a sister!!!!!!!
And you really are a little hoggy when it comes to doing a puzzle.
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