This is an image of one of the new dollar presidential coins that are starting to pop up. Can you tell what's missing?
That's right. The new coins don't have one of our nations greatest credos imprinted on them: "In God We Trust."
"In God We Trust" has been read on our legal tender for quite a long time. If you want the details you can go read about it here.
Once, I heard a sermon that talked about a child who fell off the end of a dock into a murky lake. The boy was young, didn't know how to swim and had no life vest on. Immediately, he sank beneath the surface of the water and disappeared from view. Without hesitation, his mother plunged into the lake and rescued her child from the dark water where he certainly would have perished without her aid.
I think it's the best analogy I ever heard for salvation. How many times have you felt like you were drowning? How many times do you kick and struggle to find your way only to find yourself more turned around than before? And, if you do know Christ, how grateful have you been that your Father plunged into the murkiness of your life to lift you up and save you?
My perspective is this: to remove the words "In God We Trust" from our currency is like saying, "No thanks. I don't need help. I'd rather drown on my own than to acknowledge I need saving." This country was founded on the basis that God is our sovereign...and to remove the King will result in anarchy. We are not meant to be a godless society.
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams, October 11, 1798
So...if you get a dollar coin...are you going to take it? Or do you ask for the paper version with "In God We Trust" printed on it?
I did hear in the last week or so that they voted in congress to put "In God We Trust" on all future presidential coins. :) Haven't googled it to see if it's true or not, but Keith came home with that little FYI one day. He's usually right.
Yep, it's true. Go to...
I also read that "In God We Trust" is imprinted around the edge of the coin. Apparently it looks more like scratchs than letters. Thanks for the update Leigh Annsy!
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