1. Easter Sunrise Service -- My favorite out of the entire church calendar
2. Clean Cars -- Both inside and out...I never have enough patience to sweep out the car in the winter.
3. The smell of the earth -- It just smells new.
4. Daffodils and tulips and spotting the first forsythia -- Is there any clearer sign of spring?
5. No more jackets and coats, mittens and scarves -- t-shirts and sandals, here I come!
6. Throwing open the windows and airing out the house -- and when you have two dogs, boy does the house need airing out.
7. The warmth that you can feel in the breeze -- completely different from the breeze in the fall.
8. Anticipation of fresh vegetables from the garden and grilling out -- Tomato, mayo and white bread sandwiches, asparagus wrapped in bacon on the grill, fresh oranges with some olive oil and fresh oregano out of the garden, strawberries drizzled with a bit of balsamic vinegar...mmmmmm I can't wait!!!
9. Momma Deer and their wobbly legged fawns -- I'm partial to the new calves born over on the Parsell Farm as well. As a child, I'd search the pasture every morning for the new blob of pure white on the green, green grass.
10. My birthday!
Thanks for this uplifting post. Another thing I like about spring is that on days it isn't so decent out (like today), I only have to remind myself how hot it will be very soon.
Great summary of spring! Love the word pictures - LAW
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