Linus has discovered his voice. He barks at everything -- squirrels, the wind, his reflection -- you name it, he barks at it. Sometimes late at night...for hours. I'm hoping it's just a phase that he'll grow out of -- quickly!
His other favorite activity is sneaking up on Sampson. You can watch Linus actually stalk Sampsy. Linus will get low to the ground and move extraordinarily slow. He's also VERY careful not to let his nails make any clicking sounds on the floor. He'll sneak all the way up to Sampson's back, and then I'll call out, "Whatcha doin' Liney?" Of course, this immediately lets Sampson in on the game and he makes the appropriate move to protect his bone/toy or whatever Linus was trying to get. Then Linus gives me dagger eyes, as if to say, why are you spoiling all my fun? And then he'll bark, and I have to tell him "That's why!"
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