Last night, Mom and I went and saw the broadcast of Glenn Beck's most recent concert, Unelectable.
Everyone needs to see this message. He's in Houston tonight, and Columbia, South Carolina Saturday night (hint hint Doc Loveshack!!:)
Highlights of the night (and I don't remember them word for word, but here's my summary)
**It's about time people realize that the Second Amendment is not about's about protection. If you come break into my house in the middle of the night and take things that don't belong you and try to hurt my family, I have the right to shoot you. If you do this, you have the right to carry my bullets in your body.
**In America, you have the right to succeed, you have the right to fail and you have the right to pick yourself up again. You have the right to be fat, thin, smart or stupid. You don't have the right to universal health care and a universal education.
**The standing ovation for Macus Luttrell. If you don't know Marcus Luttrell, check out his book
Lone Survivor. Marcus Luttrell is a Navy Seal, who's SEAL team was surrounded by approximately 200 Taliban supporters in Afghanistan. The SEAL team got a rescue chopper called, but it was shot down, killing all 13 crew men. Marcus Luttrell was severely wounded, but crawled 7 miles to be taken in by an Afghan tribe. He was rescued 6 days later. He was the only one of his SEAL team to survive. Since his rescue, the US has helped the village that sheltered him, digging wells and bringing supplies.
**If you are going to fight a war, you fight to win. It is immoral to send our troops over to a foreign land and not give them the full backing of the United States of America. Fight to win and bring them home.
**If you're standing in the unemployment line, and you don't have a high school diploma or your GED, you get no more help. We (the taxpayers) gave you a free education and you did nothing with it. You get no more help until you take advantage of that which has been given to you.
**I don't care if you the polar bear is sitting up in ANWR with his coke and the Disney bluebird of happiness, if he's sitting where we need to drill for oil, shoot it.
**Never give up on America. When you knock her on the ground, look out. Cause she's not going to give up. She's not going to stop fighting. We are the leaders of ther world. The world is waiting for us to act....
**Do not look to Washington for answers...they aren't there. God places the answers upon our hearts and it's our responsibility to speak them. The power lies within us, given to us by God. Don't forget.