Today my dad is tearing down the Taco Bell in Marion. Don't get too upset...they're building a new one in it's place. This store has been standing as far back as I can remember. It seemed old and outdated even when I was a kid. It's time for a fresh start. Here are some random memories in memorial to this particular Taco Bell:
1) As a kid, Mom would always buy me crunchy tacos (the only way they were served back then!) and dump the insides out so I would have a salad. I'm not sure if it's because I didn't like the shell, or they were hard to eat, or I was just obsessed with using The Spork. I LOVE the spork.
2) Lawgirl -- it was at this Taco Bell that the "My Dad almost choked to death on a tortilla chip" story originated. If you don't know that story, sorry. It's all about the voice and timing. Can't tell it on a blog....
3) Growing up, it was the only place open late. It tasted great after a night at Mickeli's.
4) The bathrooms were on the
outside of the building. You had to get the key from the manager and run around back by the drive-thru if you needed to use the facilities.
5) It used to be next door to Duffy's -- the best vegetable stand ever. Duffy's is long gone and a car wash now stands in it's place.
6) Years ago, this Taco Bell had been closed down for health code violations. Yet, we still continued to eat there.
7) The last and my favorite story. Taco Bell wanted to hire people for the closing shift, so on their sign out front they put up "Closers Wanted." I don't know if someone did it on purpose, or if it was an act of God, but at some point, the "C" disappeared so that the sign read "losers wanted." Still makes me chuckle.
Adios Taco Bell!