It seems like I've been waiting forever for a patio outside of my back door. I dream of days when there is a patio to sweep instead of mud and snow to shovel. I can't wait to spread my pots of plants around, arrange the lawn chairs, and kick back while the grill is cooking my dinner. Until then, all I can do is prepare and plan.
My backyard is very large and very shady. It is also cornered on two sides by the house and the garage, both of which had been painted gray until recently. It's a great place for growing ferns and hostas. However, I wanted to create a warm, inviting space in the midst of all that lush vegetation. I am using a four step attack plan.
Step one, warm up the walls. This spring, I painted the one wall of the garage a burnt-orangy-red color. It spiced things up instantly. While it pairs well with leaf green, I chuckle to think of what it will look like this winter against the snow.
Step two: Branch out -- literally. I've been experimenting with what flowers will bloom back there...inpatients and begonias are no brainers. Dahlias are doing well too. I've also got various geraniums, petunias, daisies, sweet potato vine and roses mixed in the bunch. I've also mixed in herbs...basil, oregano, thyme, parsley and cilantro. When the sun is out and you brush buy, the scents that come up from those herbs are intoxicating.
Step three: Flooring. This is where I'm stuck, cause I can't do it myself. It will require filling in an old well as well as pouring the patio. I have been looking into different ways to spruce up what will otherwise be a concrete slab. I never knew there so many ways to color concrete. Dye can be integrated into the concrete when it is being mixed (like adding food coloring to the batter), or sprinkled on top when the concrete is still wet (like sugar cookies!), or a stain or dye can be painted on top (ICED sugar cookies!!). I'm having a hard time deciding which is the best option, and now, I'm craving cookies!! Currently, I'm leaning towards tinting the concrete a goldy sand color.
Step four: Decorate. This should be easy, cause I've been collecting for years. Various things to hang on the walls, patio lights, lawn furniture...it's all ready and waiting.
When it's finished, I can't wait to have a "patio warming" party. I'll make sure to invite YOU!